How to transform Word to PDF with FacePdf
FacePdf offers the best online Word to pdf conversion tool. Drag and drop any version of your Word documents, such as doc and docx, to convert them to PDF with the highest quality. If you receive an error when attempting to save a Word document as a PDF, you must first select Save As from the drop-down menu before clicking Save. Ensure that the PDF option is specified in the “Save As” window.
Convert Word to PDF using FacePdf
Open our FREE online Word to PDF converter tool from any internet-connected device’s web browser. We select multiple Word files using our online software solution and then create them to begin the conversion process. The entire page may appear as an image if the PDF is mainly made up of charts or other graphics. When this occurs, You cannot edit the text. When Word fails to detect an element, the Word version does not match the original PDF file.
5 Reasons to Convert Word DOC to PDF
MS Word is one of the most widely used word processors. However, even its most ardent supporters employ online file converters to generate PDF (Portable Document Format) versions when distributing material such as bills or handouts. Word documents may be edited, whereas PDF documents cannot. Here are five additional reasons to convert Word to PDF.
#1 Word Documents Do Not Maintain Formatting
One of the main reasons people use Word to PDF converters is that MS Word reformats documents, when they are opened on another computer. Even if you use the same computer but a different printer, you will destroy the formatting you worked so hard to get. To preserve the design of the document, convert your.doc file to.pdf.
#2 References Have the Potential to Be Mismatched
If you open your word document on another computer, your table of contents will likely become jumbled. It is because page numbers in prominent publications can vary. It can be inconvenient for eBook and report writers to convert their works to PDF files.
#3 MS Word has several versions
Older versions of the software cannot open files created by newer versions. For example, text in Word 2010 files commonly loses space when accessed in older versions. The format of.pdf files, on the other hand, is the same, allowing users to read files regardless of performance.
#4 There are numerous word processors available
Because MS Word is just one of several word processors available, some people you’re dealing with may not have the software installed. .pdf, on the other hand, is a universal file extension that can be accessed by various tools other than Adobe PDF Reader. Convert your paper to.pdf if you want it to be seen by many people.
#5 PDF files are compatible with mobile devices
You can’t afford to fall behind with most customers migrating their operations to mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. Most people convert Word to PDF since PDF files are easy to obtain, and their programs are usually free. On the other hand, Word files require special software that costs a lot of money and doesn’t support many features because Microsoft does not make them.
How to convert Word to PDF online
- Upload your document to our online Word to PDF converter.
- FacePdf will begin the extraction procedure.
- If you upload a scanned copy, You will activate the FacePdfOCR engine.
- Wait for the conversion to finish before downloading your Word file.
Features of FacePdf
The simplest way to convert your document while maintaining image quality is to utilise a PDF tool such as online services. Follow the steps below:
- Click Select A File, navigate your Word document, or drag and drop it.
- Relax as Acrobat online services convert your document for you.
- Get the PDF here.
Conversion is simple and quick
Drag & drop to convert Word to PDF quickly. No file size restrictions and no registration is necessary to utilise our Word to PDF service.
We keep your files safe
We are concerned about security. SSL encryption is used to safeguard all of our file transfers. We permanently remove all files from our servers automatically.
All platforms are supported
Our Word to PDF converter is compatible with all devices, including Windows, Mac, and Linux.
Excellent quality
Converting Word to PDF might be difficult. We use the most advanced technologies to get the best possible PDF conversion quality.
Quickly convert a PDF to Word
FacePdf Word to PDF utility converts files online quickly and easily. Take a chance!
Everything takes place in the cloud
We use cloud servers to convert Word to PDF, which handle all of the processing while you sit back and relax.
Other Way to Convert Word to PDF
If you don’t have Word and need to convert a PDF document that someone sent you, you have a few options:
Google Drive:
A Word document can be uploaded to Google Drive, saved as a Google Document, and then converted to PDF. It is sufficient if you have a simple, mostly text Word document with minor formatting (and if you already have a Google account).
A Conversion Website:
Numerous websites promise to convert Word documents to PDF for free. We suggest freepdfconvert.com. It’s a secure site that works quickly and does a decent job on Word documents with even minor formatting. And it’s completely free if you only need to convert a single Word document to PDF. A paid subscription unlocks extra capabilities such as unlimited conversions (the ability to convert several documents at once) and the ability to convert more file types.
FacePdf is a free, open-source office platform with many of the same capabilities as Microsoft Office. You can even open and convert Microsoft Word documents to PDF.
Final Thought
FacePdf is a free and simple online PDF converter that allows you to make PDFs from Word documents. There are no file size restrictions or watermarks. You may convert your work to PDF online using our Word to PDF converter. FacePdf will initiate the data extraction process. The FacePdfOCR engine will begin working on any scanned documents you have supplied. Do not download your Word document until the conversion process has finished.